Emma Fagerström
Foto ©2018 Manfred Hanberg

Emma Fagerström, lyrisk sopran är utbildad vid Musikhögskolan i Örebro samt vid Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm. Hon är en ofta anlitad solist i kyrkor, medlem i Eric Ericsons kammarkör samt vikarierar regelbundet i ensembler som Radiokören, Vokalharmonin, KMH vokalensemble, Det Norske Solistkor, Mogens Dahl kammerkor, med flera. Sången kombinerad med teater ligger henne varmt om hjärtat och hon är även medlem i sång- och musikteatergruppen SOL samt den sceniska vokalensemblen VoNo Vocals (f.d. Voces Nordicae). Emma har en stor passion för att gestalta nutida och tidig musik i ett mindre, kammarmusikaliskt format.

Emma Fagerström, lyric soprano, studied music at Örebro University and at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH). She is often called to perform as soloist in churches. She is A member of Eric Ericson Chamber Choir and she often sings in other ensembles, such as The Swedish Radio Choir, Vocalharmonien, KMHs vocal ensemble, The Norwegian soloists’ choir, Mogens Dahl chamber choir and others, when a substitute is needed. Song combined with theatre is close to her heart, and she is also member of the singing and music theatre group SOL as well as the theatre stage vocal ensemble VoNoVocals (previously Voces Nordicae). Emma is passionate about finding ways of shaping and redimentioning comtemporary and early music into a smaller, chamber music format.